Wrap Around Care
What time will the session operate?
The Welsh Government continues to make a commitment to provide a free breakfast for all children in Wales. At Ysgol y Ddraig our club is organised as follows:-
Free Breakfast Club will run from 8.00am until 8.45am
To attend breakfast club you must first register your child(ren), completing the attached form and returning it to our school office.
All children are registered on arrival.
Children wishing to attend the Breakfast Club must arrive no later than 8.20am.
All children attending will be expected to eat the breakfast provided.
What breakfast will my child(ren) receive?
The breakfast on offer must be healthy and nutritionally balanced. There are 4 food groups: Drinks or milk products; Cereals – not sugar coated; fruit; breads.
A typical breakfast could be:
Cereal (Cornflakes, Weetabix or Rice Crispies) with milk, a piece of toast and a drink or
Toast/Crumpets, fresh fruit and fruit juice.
Will I have to pay for the breakfast sessions?
The session is fully funded by the Welsh Government.
How much notice do I need to give to book a place for my child(ren) to attend the Breakfast Club?
Currently, bookings are made on a weekly basis. We ask parents to email the school with their booking requests the Thursday prior to requiring a place at breakfast club. A Breakfast Club Form must be completed for each child.
Are all children eligible for free breakfast club?
Yes ~ attendance at the free breakfast sessions is open to all children attending our school.
Where can I find out more information?
For further information on the Welsh Government Breakfast Initiative please see their website page:http://wales.gov.uk/topics/educationandskills/schoolshome/foodanddrink/
After School Club
The After School Club will be available from Monday – Thursday in the first instance and will run until 4.30pm. Places are subject to availability and we will be operating on a first come first served basis. Please reserve your place/s a week in advance by emailing the school at ddraig@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk with the title AFTER SCHOOL CLUB BOOKING. We will monitor a waiting list if this is required.
After School Club will be a fixed fee of £6.00 per day
All siblings after the first child will be charged £4.00 per day.
If you wish to cancel any booked places it is important for you to give at least twenty four hours’ notice, otherwise you will be charged. Only unforeseen absences will be credited the following week. Online payments can be made via ParentPay using your ParentPay account, please remember to filter your payment into the After School Club section, or alternatively, you can pay with cash or a cheque made payable to Ysgol y Ddraig. No refunds will be given for missed sessions due to unexplained absences.
After School Club will be located in the school hall. Reception to Year 3 children will be collected from their respective classes at the end of the school day and escorted to After School Club by a member of staff. Years 4 - 6 children who are attending After School Club will make their way to the Hall once they have been dismissed from their classes. You may collect your child from the back doors of the school hall.
Children may only attend if we have a completed registration form and their place has been confirmed. Please note we do not charge a “retainer” for holiday periods or inset days.
We are unable to provide any snacks at this time but please feel free to provide a snack from home. Drinks will be available during the session.