Our Bocs Bwyd y Ddraig is our ‘pay as you can’ shop and part of our charity
Cynefin y Ddraig (Charity number 1208984).
The shop works in collaboration with Fare Share where you can ‘pay as you can’ for food that would ordinarily go to waste.
This helps to feed and support many families within our community and reduce food waste!
Vision and Values
Our aim is to ensure that every child is able to learn how to make good food choices that enable them to thrive.
Children, families and our community can purchase food at ‘pay as you can’ prices and will be supported with authentic learning experiences through growing and cooking food.
The Bocs Bwyd Y Ddraig will be explicitly linked to the 4 purposes of the Curriculum for Wales, ensuring that children are:
•Healthy, confident individuals
•Ambitious, capable learners
•Ethical, informed citizens
•Enterprising, creative contributors
Every child will become food literate by growing, cooking and learning about food.
Our Bocs Bwyd y Ddraig can only support our community because of our incredible team of volunteers. From taking deliveries and stocking our shelves to serving and cleaning, there is so much involved in the running of the Bocs Bwyd y Ddraig.
We are so grateful for all that they our volunteers do and are always looking for more help. If you can offer your help in any way, please contact the school office.
No ongoing commitment is necessary.
Bocs Bwyd y Ddraig is part of our charity Cynefin y Ddraig (Charity number 1208984).