School Vision
Our Aims
At Ysgol y Ddraig we are designing and developing our ACE curriculum within the framework of our new Curriculum for Wales. It is a dynamic and inclusive curriculum that is driven by the Four Purposes:
⇒Ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives;
⇒ Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work;
⇒ Ethical and informed citizens of Wales and the world, ready to be citizens of Wales and the world;
⇒ Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society
Our mission is simple... Achieve, Challenge, Enjoy (ACE)
Our Vision Principles (Our Why) aim to:
Achieve through high aspirations, high expectations and respect for all
Challenge through a curriculum that is inclusive, relevant and engaging
Enjoy learning together, in becoming independent, mindful and active citizens
Putting our Vision Principles into Practice (Our How) -
Working together, providing opportunities and experiences to:
⇒ Build upon our high expectations of all children’s learning and behaviour.
⇒ Ensure well-being is at the forefront of developing resilient, responsible, empathetic and respectful children - who feel valued, listened-to, respected and appreciated.
⇒ Provide an inclusive learning environment, which is happy, safe, secure and supportive.
⇒ Ensure that children develop their understanding of the UNC Rights of the Child, alongside opportunities to put this into practice.
⇒ Provide independent and critical thinking opportunities to support children as inquiring and reflective learners, with increasing agency.
⇒ Enable our children to become literate, numerate and digitally competent lifelong learners.
⇒ Appreciate, maintain and strengthen the value of positive relationships between children, staff, families and our community.
⇒ Encourage a climate of success by celebrating the perseverance, efforts and achievements of all children both inside and outside school.
⇒ Promote the positive social, emotional, moral and spiritual development of children, preparing them for time in our school and beyond.
⇒ Celebrate our heritage and culture - locally and nationally - whilst developing greater understanding and respect towards all others.