School Uniform
At Ysgol y Ddraig, we feel that uniform contributes to a sense of belonging to the school community and generates a feeling of pride in our school.
The uniform for Ysgol y Ddraig is: -
● Navy sweatshirt or cardigan
● White or Navy polo shirt
● Grey/Black trousers or ‘uniform style’ shorts
● Grey/Black skirt
● Grey pinafore dress
● Navy, grey or red tights/socks
● Navy or Red Summer gingham dresses
Footwear must be safe and suitable for the range of activities that children participate in during the school day. If parents would like to purchase uniform bearing our school logo along and / or drawstring PE bags and book bags, these may be purchased or ordered from Point Ink Print & Embroidery, Llantwit Major, Mob: 07852590105, Email: pointinkembroidery@hotmail.com. However, providing the colour is correct, uniform without the logo may be purchased from any retailer. Please ensure that all items of clothing, including PE kit are clearly marked with your child’s name. We would like to request parents’ support in avoiding children’s names being embroidered on to a visible part of the uniform, as this has the potential to raise safeguarding concerns. It is recognised as best practice not to have photos of the children themselves alongside their name whether it is online or face-to-face. This is, on rare occasions, difficult to avoid (e.g. local press articles) but we would like to take every opportunity to reduce any risk by asking for your full support in this matter. If you feel it is vital to have some way of marking the uniform in a visible area we would request that you please consider using only children’s initials. N.B. The wearing of jewellery is not allowed in school due to the risks associated with accidents and loss. If your child has pierced ears then they may wear small, plain stud style earrings.