I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Ysgol y Ddraig and lead a team of committed and enthusiastic staff, who always put the needs of children first. Choosing the right school is an important decision for all families as we all want our children to have the very best of learning experiences. Ysgol y Ddraig is a two form entry English medium primary school, situated in the heart of the historic town of Llantwit Major. Since we opened our school in 2015, we are dedicated to ensuring that all of our children are able to Achieve, Challenge & Enjoy (ACE) their learning.
Achieve through high aspirations, high expectations and respect for all
Challenge through a curriculum that is inclusive, relevant and engaging
Enjoy learning together, in becoming independent, mindful and active citizens.
We are fortunate enough to have a purpose built 21st Century school site, which is part of the Llantwit Learning Community. Ysgol y Ddraig is a forward thinking, welcoming and caring school where children are nurtured and inspired to reach their full potential. Our ‘ACE’ Curriculum ensures that children have the opportunity to grow their knowledge, skills and experiences as they work towards becoming ambitious, capable learners; enterprising, creative contributors; ethical and informed citizens; and healthy, confident individuals.
With the help of our families and the wider community, we aim to instil a love of learning. As a team, we are dedicated to our own professional development so that we are always able to prepare children for the ever changing world in which we live.
Rebecca Cadman